
My name is Marco Adiak Voli and I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about me and what I do.

I was originally born in Managua, Nicaragua to a Nicaraguan guerrilla warrior mother and an Italian environmental activist father. Later my family and I moved to Seattle, WA after a hurricane had threatened our livelihood.

I’ve always been fascinated by imagination and play. In Nicaragua, I spent two years dedicated to the role of superman (diligently wearing my undergarments over my trousers) but it was in Seattle where the craft of acting and I found each other. I studied at Cornish College of the Arts for my undergraduate program where I focused on acting, writing, and directing for the stage. During my time in Seattle, my professional career began working with theaters in both the area and regionally.

I earned my place in the Actors Equity Association and started a small theater company with colleagues called the Core Ensemble where I wrote and directed original productions. I’ve also worked with video game developers as a motion capture artist, did voiceover for varying stage productions, taught bilingually for regional school districts, and fell in love with my now wife Hannah.

Following my time in Seattle, I had the opportunity to study in London at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) for their two-year MFA Professional Acting Program. My time there was invaluable, deepening my craft, developing skills and an understanding of acting for the screen, audiobook narration, dialect, fight choreography, and much more.

My career has offered me the privilege to work in classical productions, modern works, developmental projects, touring educational productions, and some Shakespeare, both on stage and in the park. I now live in Greenpoint, Brooklyn where, when I’m not working, I enjoy playing the guitar, cooking elaborate meals, and running (I recently ran my first half marathon!). I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little bit more about me.

Any questions, just ask.

With love,
